How to Get Online 1996 Spring
Easy-View Auto-Reply
Easy-View reply
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77 lines
property idleTime : 900 --set for 15 minutes; set to your own preference
property theFlag : false
property theList : {}
on writer()
set thePath to path to me as string
set newPath to (replace "Easy-View reply" in thePath with "addresses") as string
set fnameA to alias newPath
set theFlag to false --keeps the Idle dialog from running 1st time this app runs
set msgBod to ""
set theEndA to (get eof fnameA)
set theWordsA to (read fnameA from 1 to theEndA)
set theList to tokenize the theWordsA with delimiters return
tell application "Eudora1.5.1"
copy (the clipboard) to origMsg
make new message at end of mailbox "out"
set body of message 0 to origMsg
--set field "To:" of message 0 to "macscrpt@dartcms1.dartmouth.edu"
set newBod to (tokenize origMsg with delimiters return & return)
repeat with i from 1 to (count of paragraph of (item 1 of newBod))
set flagA to false
set flagB to false
if (paragraph i of item 1 of newBod) contains "Subject:" then
set newSubj to (tokenize (paragraph i of item 1 of newBod) with delimiters "ct: ")
set field "Subject:" of message 0 to (item 2 of newSubj)
set flagA to true
end if
if (paragraph i of item 1 of newBod) contains "From:" then
set newSubj to (tokenize (paragraph i of item 1 of newBod) with delimiters "om: ")
--set field "To:" of message 0 to (item 2 of newSubj)
set listItem to {item 2 of newSubj}
set newList to theList & listItem
(choose from list newList prompt "Which address are you mailing to?" ok button ¬
"OK" cancel button "Cancel" with empty lists)
set field "To:" of message 0 to the result as string
set theList to {}
set flagB to true
end if
if (flagA and flagB) then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
repeat with i from 2 to (count of newBod) -- the loop re-formats the msg w/paragraphs
set newBod1 to ((item i) of newBod) as text
set msgBod to (msgBod & return & return & newBod1)
end repeat
set body of message 0 to msgBod
set theFlag to true
end tell
on error errMsg number errNum
activate --brings to the front for an error msg
display dialog errMsg & return & errNum
end try
end writer
on quit
continue quit
end quit
on idle
if theFlag then
tell me
activate --brings to the front for the dialog
display dialog ¬
"Application Easy-View reply is open. Do you want to quit or leave it open?" buttons {"Quit", "Keep it running."} default button {"Keep it running."}
if button returned of (the result) is "Quit" then
end if
end tell
return idleTime
end if
return idleTime
end idle